Thursday, November 17, 2011


1.After Being Exposed to different discipline in art, can you give your own definition of it.
   My definition of Art  for me is something i could relate in our life there has beauty and ugly ,crooked and straight, curves and zigzag,every lines and colors in the masterpiece if you imagine it  is like man who struggles ,man who become successful , man who is lonely and man who is happy, Art is the artist's expression of how he feels the world now or how he express his own feelings towards life .

In this piece of art see how two different sides of man  ,the man who became slave and the man who is  a master ,this is  like an art   we can see dark side of  life the man struggles .

while in this one you could see the calmness ,the beauty of nature 

2. Off All  the art work that you have observed what are the 3 artwork that has great impact in your life?

Green country it has an impact in my life I'am fond of seeing nature when I'am alone , because I can see how God created such a beautiful masterpiece of work which is creating the Earth.

"I believe in God" has an impact in my life why because every one of us believe in our  Creator, God the Father but the real truth is that we should follow Him in order for us to be with Him this is what I'am struggle in because every time I do good but  bad things I have done sometimes..

El bulaquena has an impact why, because, I like a girl who looks mysterious and Maria Clara look alike ,you'll imagine what she is doing whenever you don't see here ,what she likes and doesn't like and just looking at her makes you wonder why...

3. Base on your experience in observing artwork in National Museum ,how do you describe Filipino artistry?
-Filipino artistry has heart,he sees the sufferings of our Filipino people

Filipino artistry likes nature because he loves nature

Filipino artistry has curiosity because he likes portrait paintings

Filipino artistry likes family because he likes family paintings

Filipino artistry is brave because he fights by means of his painting

4. Off all artwork that you have observed what artwork best describe your personality ,Give 4 reasons why you associate yourself  to this art work

This picture associate myself (green country), because here I imagine that even it is an  abstract painting ,green means for me is nature.I just want to always see nature ,In nature I feel calm ,I feel I don't have problems , In nature I can see the beauty present itself ,no pollution ,always green ,simple ,humble,shy, like me I am shy ,but simple this is me just want to be simple but happy ,and being loved by my family..God bless..:-)

Monday, October 31, 2011

getting started to create a first time blog

Spolarium gladiators who risk their lives
competing for the sake of pleasure of their
TITLE: Spolarium
ARTIST :Juan Luna
MAT.MEDIUM:Oil on canvas
SUBJ. CONTEXT:History,Sufferings 
In a computer tech world you'll need to adapt to this fast pace global warming,i need to try even though Iam a 1st time blogger :-)
Juan Luna's piece of dead bloodied gladiators. Some says Spolarium was a chamber of dead bodies of gladiators were taken to be stripped of their armor and weapons prior to the disposal of their bodies... picture illustrates some men still able to watch despite the suffering of others.... tsk.tsk.tsk.

TITLE: Portrait Of A Lady
ARTIST: Juan Luna
MAT.MEDIUM: oil in canvas
SUBJ. CONTEXT:Realism /Portrait
Juan Luna's Light masterpiece "Portrait Of A Lady",who is this lady? did Juan Luna created this piece with a lady in front of him or through imagination? The annoying part is seeing the breast of the lady and having a rosary .. Is it the good or the bad side?or the seductive or conservative side?
Well  maybe there is a mystery in  Juan Luna's life....
TITLE: El Golfo
ARTIST: Juan Luna
MAT. MEDIUM:oil in canvas

El Golfo as they say is Gulf of Mexico ???, is it the start of a war in mexico ....???? Only Juan Luna  really knows during his time why he created this piece>
TITLE: Soratan
ARTIST: Saudi Ahmad
MAT.MEDIUM: Water color on paper

Saudi Ahmad??? is a Sibugay native hailed as Mindanao's greatest living painter, Former Ming Ramos and Tingting Cojuangco are known patrons of his paintings...check this out link
don't know what " Soratan " means .still describing the painting, certain people look up to a woman with a light surrounding her ,is soratan comes from a Muslim word? The material use is watercolor on paper wow!!!
TITLE: Animism
ARTIST: John Frank Sabado
MAT. MEDIUM: Mixed Media
SUBJ.CONTEXT: Distortion
The material medium used here is mixed media type composed of handmade paper,pen and ink,mother of pearl shells,textile and beads,every artist has its own creativity and has their own talent using different types of material...

TITLE: Green Country
ARTIST: Edgar Doctor
MAT. MEDIUM: Watercolor
What i like about this  art piece is so simple and though the title is green country its colored is mostly light blue....Know what i thought Edgar Doctor is an american but Iam wrong he is a Filipino visual artist he paints through what he sees through imagination, think he doesn't need memory plus for vitamins .Check this out link
TITLE: Don Luis Dasmarinas
ARTIST: Felix Hidalgo
MAT.MEDIUM: Oil in canvas
Facts: Felix Hidalgo use painting to expose the supremacy of the church over the Spanish government ,it depicts the figure of a Dominican friar dictating on Governor Dasmarinas, who seems to be helpless, to sign a document allegedly authorizing the immediate military assistance to the king of Cambodia.Felix R Hidalgo was one of the primemovers in using visual arts in unmasking the true identity of the colonial rulers.To our national hero Rizal who uses books , Hidalgo uses his paintings against tyranny..!?
TITLE: Assassination of Governor Bustamante
             and his Son
ARTIST: Felix Hidalgo
MAT. MEDIUM: Oil in canvas
Pictures shows man being mob by  priests , during Spanish times you just imagine how powerful a member of the church is,it only shows priests have both sides being a human and being holy they commit sin like us but God always forgive us for our stubbornness. Anyway link about the history of the painting which won second place behind Spolarium..?
TITLE: Portrait of Felipe Agoncillo
ARTIST: Felix Hidalgo
MAT. MEDIUM: Oil in canvas

Felix Hidalgo likes creating  historic portrait paintings!?Who is really Felipe Agoncillo?they say he is a lawyer check this link
TITLE: I believe in God
ARTIST: Vicente Manansala
MAT. MEDIUM: Oil in masonite

The painting depict our daily life yearning  to earn money for food but before anything else we thank God providing the blessings in our daily lives ( health,wealth,peace of mind),even though we don't see Him ,our faith ,The Bible judgement day and hope says that God really exists...
next pictures consists of 5 sculptures
TITLE: On Avoiding the 3F temptation
ARTIST: Jerusalino V. Araos
MAT.MEDIUM: Wood, Organic dye

This piece of art is located after the guard lobby of the 2nd building at National Museum ,Rabosa and I quickly took our cameras ,our response maybe a cause of both of us  working and we were early on our meeting place and we had been waiting for about an  hour and half before the museum opens I choose the left side of the 3 sculptures while Rabosa took the center piece of the 3 sculptures, Do you want to see the others ...?here it is

TITLE: Wheel Of Fortune
ARTIST: Lamberto Hechanova
SUBJ. CONTEXT: Abstract/Figure

A game show in museum :-) nope its just the artist wants his piece titled "wheel of fortune"every one of us wants to have a good fortune like what the artist did by using his talent  to have prosperity.

The 3 pictures above are placed in a room at the second floor of the main building ,at the left side is titled "The Bust of Governor Ricardo Carnicero " ,do you  know who is the artist ? our national hero "Dr. Jose Rizal" just how great/intelligent  he was wow, can't believe that Rizal can make such a piece the man has many the way the Material medium he uses is terra cota
On the center,the picture is entitled " Lady in Mandolin created by the artist name Severino Fabe medium he uses is plaster of paris, a heavy white powder,calcined gypsum,which ,when mixed with water form a thick paste that sets quickly:used for casts molding, statuary etc.
at the right side picture is titled "Doxology" by Julie LLuch check how she looks like,medium she uses is terra cota, a clay- based unglazed ceramic.
TITLE: Rajah Sulayman
ARTIST: Napoleon Abueva
MAT. MEDIUM: Wood carving

This is located beside a door , behind several steps of  the guard lobby of main building of National Museum if your not observant you'll not notice this as an art piece....the artist who created it was Napoleon Abueva  click the name presto he's also a national artist.
Here it is:

In our National Museum,3 of our national artist namely Juan Luna ,Felix Hidalgo and Fernando Amorsolo have caught my attention the way they created their masterpiece,wish i had one of their hands ,think of  my left hand will become Juan Luna's and my right is Fernando Amorsolo while my creativity is Felix Hidalgo hehehe, a tale of barber's stories.I had an experience looking at their art piece and how great each one of them , Iam amaze at how every facial features of the art piece are drawn by our 3 national artist (Hidalgo, Amorsolo and Luna),

the 3 pictures  behind me are created  by  Juan Luna

                1                                                       2                                                            3
TITLE:Portrait Of A Lady              TITLE: Una Bulaquena                  TITLE: Spolarium

All of the artwork above are works of Juan Luna, the material medium he uses was oil on canvas,art piece 1 and 2 their subjective context are portrait while art piece number 3 are history

                 1                                                           2                                                                 3
TITLE: Portrait Of Mrs. Banks           TITLE:Francis Burton Harrison          TITLE:Portrait of Don                       
                                                                                                                                  Julio Dela Orden

The 3 pictures above are all artworks of Fernando Amorsolo here is what he looks like 
and the three pictures including me:-),material medium he uses is also oil on canvas like what the previous pieces of art ,all of subjective context are portraits.

with my  eyes closed                              seriousness                                            super serious

                 TITLE:Don Luis Dasmarinas

TITLE:Assassination of Governor                                                                      TITLE:Portrait of 
             Bustamante and his Son                                                                                       Felipe

Don Luis Dasmarinas, Felipe Agoncillo and Assassination all are paintings of our national artist Felix Hidalgo,oil on canvas are medium he uses the paintings  exposes the tyranny of our conqueror except on the Agoncillo portrait,below htescenery with me:-)

When we go along the building you could feel the silence, wondering if i can go  alone living in this building a case of fear on the museum ,cause of halloween is coming hehehe...
At the secong building of National museum at the back of the main  are Early Filipinos Exhibit during the Spanish era Filipinos have become slaves
This is an exhibit located at the second floor the material medium he uses oil on canvas,artist unknown then we go upstairs and find a sign "the earliest human"

This what we've found at the Ayala room exhibit?
early stone age  Filipino women think the material  medium he uses is paint

For Halloween type of pictures are the burial in Dugong Cave located in Iwahig Palawan is an important site providing insights into burial and ritual practices of Neolithic
   and here's more bones if you like Bulalo for a dinner nope its called Duyong  a sea cow ,bone comes from a horse common in Vietnam ,animals are virtual offerings in cult involving sea cow look at the picture below
  During the early Filipino era here's what they do daily fora living the material medium use is pictures .
           Filipino people worship idols in earliest time ,Titled "Spiritual World",the material medium use is wood ,the location is on the 3rd floor of the second building see pic below
      Filipinos make jars using clay and stone 
              Filipinos in earliest times  believe in Idols  type of god like this picture namely Bulol
Here are pictures in earliest times Filipino uses Different kinds of things in is located in Ayala room museum

 Early Gongs and Drums on the left portion have been using by ancient Filipinos, on the center portion are used for fishing and paddles for bancas,while on the right side are customs used by earliest Filipinos
                 Here is the picture titled "BAhay Kubo" are things used inside a bahay  kubo house  made of handicrafts?
Other Pictures created by/titled as " Mga Tao ng Lanao" material medium used are brass vase

Religion in the country like Islam and Catholicism are very much active during early Filipino and at present times,picture above titled "Wooden Koran stand"  used for holy book of the Muslims,
 Catholics in the Philippines are very religious during "Mahal na Araw" they're celebrating during  the  Holy Week ,in this picture entitled "Kuwaresma"the material medium used are wood brass, metal it is located at the second building of National Museum at the 3rd floor.